Khond Tribal Sculpture


The Khond tribe of Odisha indulges in various art activities, wall paintings, and decorating of bodies with tattoos. Even the hairpins used by the Khond are made from animal bones and their ornaments, like the nose ring, anklets, bangles, necklaces demonstrate their artistic skills.
The Khond erotic sculptures are relatively rare and comprise of amorous couples where young brides are represented with elaborate headgear. The sculptures are made of mixed alloy and the technique used is cire perdue or lost wax casting process.

Dimension: 4.5X2.5X3.5 Inches
Medium: Alloy

SKU: MA-56 Category: Tags: , , ,

The Khond tribe of Odisha indulges in various art activities, wall paintings, and decorating of bodies with tattoos. Even the hairpins used by the Khond are made from animal bones and their ornaments, like the nose ring, anklets, bangles, necklaces demonstrate their artistic skills.

The figurines sculpted by the Khond sculptors express their artistic genius. The technique used is cire perdue or lost wax casting process. Subjects depicted by Khond artists are a common sight in the villages of Odisha, women pounding rice, men sitting on a charpai guarding their fields, women fetching water are some of the favorite subjects. In these sculptures, one notices long wiry arms, neck, and heads decorated with ornaments have a subtle grace to them.

The Khond erotic sculptures comprise of amorous couples where young brides are represented with elaborate headgear. In all probability, the custom of older women marrying younger men, prevalent in the past, is still a custom practiced in recent times.

Animal figures have great importance in the lives of Khond tribes. While the tiger is dreaded when it becomes a man-eater, it is also worshipped by many. Hump bull is another widely used subject for the Khond sculptor. Sacrifices were made to the earth goddess Taripano or Bera Penu to ensure a good harvest. Earlier Human sacrifice was a common practice for the Khond people, which was later replaced by bull sacrifices, this made representation of hump bulls prominent in Khond sculptures. Peacocks, lizards, fish, tortoises are also common subjects. Interestingly, lizards are considered bloodsuckers that possess magical powers.

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4.5X2.5X3.5 Inches


Mixed Alloy


Khond, Odisha