Rathwa Painting

Pithora is a ritualistic painting done by the Rathwa and Bhil tribe of Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat. They worship a local diety Pithora or Babo Pithora, to whom animals such as tiger and horses are dedicated. It is believed that painting Babo Pithoro on the wall brings prosperity and good luck to the family. These paintings often depict marriage processions of Babu Pithora and Pithori Devi, myths related to creation of earth, god and goddesses, and other religious and mythological themes. One of the significant elements of Pithora wall painting is the linear execution of the composition. In the uppermost row are depictions of gods mounted on horses, such as, Ganesha, Babo Pithoro, Pithori Devi, Indra and Hudol, along with an array of animals like tigers, monkeys, elephants, insects and modern inclusions such as aeroplanes and police stations. Traditionally created by women of the house, Pithora paintings have now taken a more commercial approach.

Dimension: 14X11 Inches
Medium: Natural Pigment on Paper

SKU: MA-892 Category: Tags: , , , ,

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14X11 Inches


Natural Pigment on Paper
