
Bengal Patachitra is a versatile and secular form of art. It is an amalgamation of visual and oral narrative drawing from Hindu mythology that is both mainstream and regional. The Patua painters or Chitrakars had to both create and perform their paintings without the use of any musical instruments, which led them to write songs, sing and compose a melody.
The role of the patua painter became crucial in spreading socially relevant messages along with reinforcing the tenets of Hinduism.The Yama Pata shown here deals with the concept of human virtue and vice by showing Dharmaraja Yama and the terrific sights of Yamalaya or hell. This scroll intended to refrain people from committing sins.

Dimension:110X22 Inches
Medium: poster colour and acrylic on paper pasted on cloth.

SKU: MA-980 Category: Tags: , , , ,

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110X22 Inches


Poster colour & Acrylic on Paper
